Category Archives: travel

Which Path Do You Choose?


Our Pastor spoke about this verse Sunday at church and it really made me think about what kind of path we leave as we go through life and others see. I want my children and grand children to know and see that I follow the straight path. I am not perfect and I stumble upon many rocks along the way but I do have Jesus Christ who gives me peace and joy as I travel this path. I know that Jesus died for me on the cross so that mine and your sins may be forgiven. He freely gives us grace and salvation all we have to do is open that door and let Jesus in our heart.You will never be the same again. Some people think it means you become boring and no fun, a slave, chained, but it is the exact opposite. You are in chains and darkness until you find Jesus Christ.The freedom, the light, the love Jesus gives is radical. As you go through life, yes there will be sorrow and tough times, but deep inside you can find the peace and joy to survive that only Jesus can give. We have hope  knowing one day we will be with Jesus Christ. So choose to walk the straight path that others can see which leads to Jesus and his love, peace, and joy.


Genesis Green

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Row of Houses

Row of Houses




Colored Row of Houses



Just another Day in Paradise!

Well I woke up this morning and knew it rained all night and we had 80% chance of rain today. I was ok with that as we have not had rain in a while and really needed it. I got my umbrella and was ready to tackle the day. I saw it as a fun day of skipping in the rain.


Well I get out there in my small little sports car and the roads are flooded. I am starting to wonder if I am going to make it to my destination. Big trucks passing by and throwing rain at me and blinding my way as I slowly move along wondering if I am going to stall. I keep thinking should I turn around, but decide to keep going as I only have about 2 miles to go. I get to the gate, it is storming, roll down the window, punch the code in, roll up the window and nothing. I assume it didn’t like how fast I punched those numbers in, so here we go again. Yeah, this time the gate opens. I park and try to get out the driver’s door, oh great, the door won’t open. Apparently the handle broke. So I crawl over the stick shift to the other side, grab my big umbrella, books, phone, and am ready to tackle the torrential rain and wind. I open the door and attempt to open my umbrella. The wind and rain are fighting with me, therefore I decide to step out and try again. BIG MISTAKE! I am drenched in 2 seconds as the books go flying one way and my phone the other and I am stuck between two cars desperately trying to hang onto the umbrella.

I am sure I looked worse than this but here are some pictures I found on the internet so you could have an idea what it was like.

257422-japan-storm-2012 11437639-a-young-woman-is-fighting-against-the-storm-with-her-umbrella article-0-150DF53F000005DC-571_978x978 east_storm_11

Well by the time I made it to the door my umbrella was broken and I looked like a drowned rat. I then proceeded to try to open the door with the key I was given. Guess what? You guessed right, it is not working. After fighting with it for about 5 minutes and finding out I have to jiggle it just right I got the door open.

After about 4 hours of work, I went out, got soaked again trying to get to the car and headed home.

When I got home, needless to say I threw that umbrella away. All I  wanted is for Calgon to take me away.  So I took a long hot shower and got into some dry clothes. I looked out my window and see the rains have quit and things are clearing up. Just another day in paradise!

Paris Pop Art

paris pop art


tail wm

Passport Stamp Exercise

passport card

Bike Race Advertisement Design

When I was traveling in Italy I was fortunate to catch a bicycle race. I decided to design this advertisement using some of the photos and a picture of my nephew.

bike race ad