Category Archives: food

Into The Light

The people living darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

Matthew 4:16IMG_5329

Seek First- Day 4


Toad in the Hole

I love to make “Toad in the Hole”, and being from Louisiana I don’t use a recipe but this is very easy so I will tell you how to make it. (My Secret: If you can find an easy way to make something and it still taste good then use it!)

you will need:

  1. spinach salad with bacon, cranberries, and dressing already included
  2. 2 eggs
  3. pan spray or bacon grease
  4. 2 slices bread
  5. salt & pepper

I normally like to eat healthy but this morning my husband (David) wanted fried eggs, bacon, and toast for brunch. First I fixed the salad, added pepper and put aside. I usually spry pan with Pam but today I cooked bacon then fried eggs in bacon grease. I put two slices of bread on plate, added one fried egg on each slice, added salt and pepper. Tossed salad over everything and crumbed bacon on top. That is it! Bon Appetit!




































I Am Not Perfect?


With Mother’s Day coming up I hope this gives each mother a little inspiration You don’t have to be a perfect mother just your own unique loving self!

tulip quote

The Bruised (Brokenhearted) Pear

I started taking a colored pencil class hoping to learn some new techniques and work on my patience. My first exercise was doing this pear. I will have to say it took me 3 hours working on this project I really enjoyed it. It helped me to relax and slow down.

This bruised pear is a reminder of when we are bruised, hurt, and brokenhearted God is our source of hope and courage.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

we often wish we can escape troubles- the path of grief, loss,sorrow, and failure, or even the small daily frustrations that constantly wear us down. God promises to be our source of power, courage, and wisdom, helping us through our problems. Admit you need God’s help and thank him for being by your side.

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Is 14 good ENOUGH?????

Happy New Year everyone!! Last year at this time my goal was to loose weight. Well I got on the scale this morning and since last year I lost, get ready……….14 pounds. I am proud of myself. I have been eating mostly veggies, very little meat. Have also taken dairy off the menu. I have 4 more pounds to go to reach my goal. So all in all the question, “Is 14 good enough”? I would say i did GREAT!! Yes I do have 4 more pounds to go but over all I did excellent!!!I feel like I stuck to my guns and accomplished something!!!  I had a good year for 2013 and I hope you did also…. i look forward to what 2014 has to offer!!!!



Raging Red Head 2

Ok I re-did this and it looks so much better!!!!

wb project 3 bottles

Raging Red Head Wine

I graduate May 5th from college with a AAS in Graphic Design. I am working hard to get my portfolio together so haven’t been on here much these days. I spent all today designing these wine bottles in photoshop. Everthing was created in photohop and illustrator. There was no photography. This was my first attempt. Needs improvement but not bad for a first try at it.wb project 3 bottles